
Taxi «Tallinn - Haapsalu»

100 km long route «Tallinn - Haapsalu» in a comfortable car with air conditioning and pleasant music, as well as stops if necessary at equipped gas stations.

Cost: 100 EUR

Travel time from 2 hours.

Telli takso

Calculate the cost of your trip

Telli takso

Where from

The fare includes:

Waiting at the airport for 1 hour
Providing a check
Meeting with a tablet
Baby seat if necessary
Cash and cashless payments

Order a taxi

Contact us by phone or fill out a callback form, our manager will call you back

Popular destinations

We invite to cooperation drivers with personal vehicles to work in a taxi

  • Flexible working hours
  • Stable additional income
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I want to work at Artsantaxi!

Fill out an application and our manager will contact you to clarify the details

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