
How to get from Estonia to the Russian Federation and back without waiting at the border for nine hours: ArtSanTaxi transfer offers an alternative solution

How to get from Estonia to the Russian Federation and back without waiting at the border for nine hours: ArtSanTaxi transfer offers an alternative solution

 Summer begins - the time for vacations and trips from Estonia to the Russian Federation, and back. Wanting to see their relatives and visit beautiful places, many go to the border and stand there for hours, if not days. Due to the huge flow of cars and buses, people stand at the border in Narva, starting to queue from three, four, or even two in the morning. Despite the fact that the border opens only at seven in the morning. And by this time the queue is already three hundred people long. And throughout the day, the number of people wishing to cross the border is constantly increasing.

On average, today you have to stand at the border for seven to nine hours. Previously, when the border between Russia and Finland was open, the load on the border with Estonia during the holiday season was significantly less. Now, in the first summer after the border was closed, the load has become enormous. And often people with small children and elderly people simply do not wait for their turn and go back. Since the border only opens until 11 p.m., and not everyone can stand in the heat and wait all day.

Therefore, those who choose the Tallinn – Narva – Ivangorod transfer can often find themselves in such an unpleasant situation. And it will depend not on the carriers themselves, but directly on the congestion of checkpoints at the border. 

 Fortunately for everyone who wants to get to their destination quickly, without hours of waiting and discomfort, including loss of consciousness, we have an excellent alternative solution.

What ArtSanTaxi offers

 Our company ArtSanTaxi has been transporting passengers from Estonia to the Russian Federation and back for several years now. Therefore, we have our own routes. First of all, this is the route through Koidula - Kunichina Mountain. There is no such traffic in this direction as in Narva. Also, we are always informed about what kind of traffic there is and when it is better to leave in order to cross the border much faster. We have information from cameras along all borders, so our transfer Tallinn - Koidula - Kunichina Gora leaves at the optimal time and carries its passengers without delays. On average, our passengers pass both borders in just forty minutes without queues or problems.

Our company also resolved for its passengers the issue of crossing another border - Luhamaa - Shumilkino. Thanks to this, the transfer moves almost non-stop and crosses the border in 30-40 minutes.

 Advantages of traveling with ArtSanTaxi transfer

 When going on a trip this summer with the transfer Tallinn - Koidula - Kunichina Gora or the transfer Tallinn - Luhamaa - Shumilkino, you can be sure that the journey will take a minimum of time and will be as comfortable as possible.

To ensure that our passengers are always satisfied, we create all conditions. For example, we have found opportunities to cross the border on foot, as our drivers deliver to one side of the border and pick up on the other. Accordingly, when choosing our Luhamaa transfer or Koidula transfer, passengers can be sure that they will be taken to the checkpoint on one side and picked up on the other.

 Thanks to this simple solution, our passengers do not have to stand all day long at the only border in Narva where cars and buses pass through. Instead, they make a quick trek on foot and board a comfortable transfer that awaits them on the other side of the border.

Our company employs only experienced and responsible drivers with high qualifications. Thanks to this, all trips with the ArtSanTaxi transfer are comfortable, fast and absolutely safe. Drivers know the roads they travel well. We are always ready to stop at a gas station so passengers can drink coffee, relax, stretch their legs, and have a snack.

 We have transfers for any number of people. Starting from standard cars that can carry from one to three passengers, to comfortable buses for eight to twelve people. Therefore, everyone can easily choose the transfer option from Tallinn or another city that is suitable for himself, his family, a group of friends, relatives, and so on.

 All cars in our fleet are modern cars with excellent interiors and air conditioning. Therefore, in the hot summer, the cabin will definitely be comfortable both while driving and if you need to wait a little at the border. But, in most cases, the wait at the border with our transfer is no more than ten to fifteen minutes. The rest of the border crossing time is spent checking documents and covering the distance between the two borders.

ArtSanTaxi transfer is always ready to help families with children and animals travel comfortably. We have comfortable child car seats, thanks to which the child will feel comfortable, and parents will not have to worry about his safety.

 We also transport animals. To transport their pets comfortably, owners need to have carriers, leashes and passports, which must be presented at the border.

 You can pay for the ArtSanTaxi transfer either in cash or by card. Our drivers have terminals, so making payments will not be difficult.

ArtSanTaxi transfers from point to point. Our drivers can pick up passengers from the entrance, from any specified point on the city map. And also from the train station or airport. And take you to the specified place, like any city taxi. Therefore, our passengers do not have to worry about how to get to their hotel. Or at the address after arriving in the city. Transfer Tallinn Luhamaa and Koidula goes to St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities. Our passengers can always choose the option that is most convenient for them.

When traveling with an ArtSanTaxi transfer, you won’t have to wait in the heat at the border for hours and worry about the driver not arriving at your destination on time. And it will not pick up from the specified point. Instead, you can relax and enjoy a comfortable journey that will not only be enjoyable, but also as fast as possible.

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